Energy styles: the hardest to describe but let's face it at some point everyone wanted a Hadouken or a Kamehameha in D&D thus this is the area for such feats.
prototype structure for energy styles:
note all styles get stronger and unlock more options as the character levels up meaning they are always relevant
enhanced blows a cheap to useability that for one ki point lets the user enhance their blows with the damage type of a know energy style(can not have more than one active at the same time to prevent people from stacking them) this lasts for 5 of the users turns before it needs to be renewed.
bolts the most basic range option about as strong as a cantrip cost only one point to cast can be used as a bonus action they are a workhorse kind of ability
bursts/ energy sphere the middle of the road option bursts being for hitting a wide area verse the energy sphere for a longer range option but with a more accurate area of damage.
beams powerful lines or cones of a particular damage type unlocked towards the mid-levels coast more than bursts, this is your
special option. different for each style always useful but often odd in execution from debuffing enemies, healing allies to flat odd stuff a mixed bag of stuff.
absorption of energy: the one-point bonus action/reaction that will make the characters day, as long as the type of damage is the same as the known energy style whatever damage type is being taken (absorption of acid damage if acid energy style was known.)instead of the character gains ki points equal to the damage they would have taken.
things for the other types
Martial styles: I will sub divide styles into strike, grappling and
defence helps if I can subdivide things.
Weapon styles: I will add a ranged category for bows, crossbows, or guns if the setting will let people be gun-fu fighting.
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