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The half sunken city of za-ha-mor

the half sunken city of za-ha-mor the half-sunken city of za ha mor has always been.  The half-sunken city of za ha mor never was. Sitting in a shallow area of the southeastern ocean at its most northern point is at 9°15'00.7"N 63°47'44.3"E it is the largest city ever known it is 261 km long and 138 km wide the partly submerged structures are covered in slit and mangroves making traversal by boat or foot difficult the fact the many of the broken buildings flat out flout in midair makes the sky’s difficult to move through but house eclipse embraces has been able to make it through the narrow spaces because of this it has made a fortune in salvage and their sky fleet is willing to let other explores in for a cut of the profit assuming you mad enough to try exploring this magitek hell. Its tallest towers are snow-capped and stand 4,810m moving around here with outfight or climbing ability is death and not just by falling, drowning or being crushed. Not incl...
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Energy styles template plus other items.

Energy styles : the hardest to describe but let's face it at some point everyone wanted a Hadouken or a Kamehameha in D&D thus this is the area for such feats.   prototype structure for energy styles:  note all styles get stronger and unlock more options as the character levels up meaning they are always relevant enhanced blows a cheap to useability that for one ki point lets the user enhance their blows with the damage type of a know energy style(can not have more than one active at the same time to prevent people from stacking them) this lasts for 5 of the users turns before it needs to be renewed.    bolts the most basic range option about as strong as a cantrip cost only one point to cast can be used as a bonus action they are a workhorse kind of ability    bursts/ energy sphere the middle of the road option bursts being for hitting a wide area verse the energy sphere for a longer range option but with a more accurate area of damage.  ...

so you want an arcane half caster concept?

so you want an arcane half caster concept? one of the concepts that people endlessly bat about is the arcane half caster. a long wanted but never created class however we do have classes which were made to fill this gap. they all have a problem of thematics. mechanically they mostly work not quite as well as 5e's paladin does but when it comes to the 5e ruleset few things work as well. (pathfinders magus works mechanically but I have problems with it.) do not get me started with the bunch of 3e/3.5e ones how they have the thematics of a brick. so here is what I am going to hurl into the ring for you lot to rip apart. first, why would an arcane half caster appear in-universe? fairly simply the most likely set of people to generate the need for this kind of class is a magocracy as they would need some less squishy enforcers of their will that can not just be dispelled by other magic. eventually, they would want something with more power than a fighter but less of the restrictions of...

first outline for an improved D&D monk

well here is my first post as I got told that I should put my ideas online, so here I go with my D&D monk outline. On building better monks Most people when building a better monk than to fix the ki issue by the agreed-upon increase so the class plays better being dynamic. Whilst that is certainly an improvement I have noted that what we get to spend it on is limited meaning they all tend to do the same thing this could be better, also a lot of the ways boil down to a fighting style and that makes for dull sub class themes. So I have decided to fix both at the same time making monk more customization and ideally interesting. Note one of the things I want to fix is the inability in raw to play a strength monk and I intend to fix that at level one but at this moment it is little more an afterthought. First concept martial art styles technicality at present there are no present martial art styles just abilities having variety would be nice imitating the genres these characters are i...