the half sunken city of za-ha-mor the half-sunken city of za ha mor has always been. The half-sunken city of za ha mor never was. Sitting in a shallow area of the southeastern ocean at its most northern point is at 9°15'00.7"N 63°47'44.3"E it is the largest city ever known it is 261 km long and 138 km wide the partly submerged structures are covered in slit and mangroves making traversal by boat or foot difficult the fact the many of the broken buildings flat out flout in midair makes the sky’s difficult to move through but house eclipse embraces has been able to make it through the narrow spaces because of this it has made a fortune in salvage and their sky fleet is willing to let other explores in for a cut of the profit assuming you mad enough to try exploring this magitek hell. Its tallest towers are snow-capped and stand 4,810m moving around here with outfight or climbing ability is death and not just by falling, drowning or being crushed. Not incl...
one mans mad ideas for D&D 5e presented for you to enjoy